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distance oneself from

См. также в других словарях:

  • distance oneself from — dissociate or separate. → distance …   English new terms dictionary

  • dissociate oneself from — 1) he dissociated himself from the Catholic Church Syn: break away from, end relations with, sever connections with; withdraw from, quit, leave, disaffiliate from, resign from, pull out of, drop out of, defect from 2) he dissociated himself from… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • dissociate oneself from — 1 he dissociated himself from the Church of England: BREAK AWAY FROM, end relations with, sever connections with; withdraw from, quit, leave, disaffiliate from, resign from, pull out of, drop out of, defect from. 2 he dissociated himself from the …   Useful english dictionary

  • distance — ► NOUN 1) the length of the space between two points. 2) the condition of being far off; remoteness. 3) a far off point or place. 4) an interval of time or relation. 5) the full length or time of a race or other contest. 6) Brit. Horse Racing a… …   English terms dictionary

  • distance — noun 1》 the length of the space between two points: I cycled the short distance home. 2》 the condition of being remote.     ↘a far off point. 3》 the full length of a race or other contest.     ↘Brit. Horse Racing a space of more than twenty… …   English new terms dictionary

  • distance — [dis′təns] n. [ME distaunce < OFr distance < L distantia < distans, prp. of distare, to stand apart < dis , apart + stare, STAND] 1. the fact or condition of being separated or removed in space or time; remoteness 2. a gap, space, or… …   English World dictionary

  • distance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Measure of interval Nouns 1. distance, remoteness, farness, long way; offing, background; perspective, parallax; reach, span, stride; measurement; separation, disjunction; interstellar or intergalactic… …   English dictionary for students

  • walk away from — distance oneself from ; leave in peace; win easily …   English contemporary dictionary

  • distance — [n1] interval, range absence, ambit, amplitude, area, bit, breadth, compass, country mile*, expanse, extension, extent, farness, far piece*, gap, good ways*, heavens, hinterland, horizon, lapse, length, objective, orbit, outpost, outskirts,… …   New thesaurus

  • break loose from — detach oneself from, dissociate oneself from, distance oneself from …   English contemporary dictionary

  • To come off from — Come Come, v. i. [imp. {Came}; p. p. {Come}; p. pr & vb. n. {Coming}.] [OE. cumen, comen, AS. cuman; akin to OS.kuman, D. komen, OHG. queman, G. kommen, Icel. koma, Sw. komma, Dan. komme, Goth. giman, L. venire (gvenire), Gr. ? to go, Skr. gam.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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